Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pool Time with friends

I missed pool time with my friends this week because I was sick. We got together several times over the summer for pool days (mine were always pool evenings since I had to work though). One day I took the day off to do something with my mom and then took Robert with me so he could have fun with the kids and go swimming.

This is Adalie, my friends granddaughter


Robert is such a cutie

Robert and my friends twins, they are a year younger but slightly taller than Robert and they all play together great.

My friend goes back to work tomorrow (she works at a school) so that's the end of summer play dates! Bummer. We'll have to find some weekend time to meet up.

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Annsterw said...

What a great slide!!! They all look so adorable with their swimmies on!!! Glad you have yourself a day off for some YOU time!! :-)

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Where are the pics of you going down that great slide???

Chris H said...

How lovely your summer looks! Adalie looks gorgeous.

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