Thursday, January 7, 2016


Oh my gosh I can't believe I didn't even post Thanksgiving pictures on here. Oh well better late than never.

Michele and Vincent

Maegen, Emma, and Adrian
Melissa and Ava

Melissa and Ava

Melissa and Vincent, he's such a handsome boy

I'm not allowed to wear this sweater again until I lose 20 pounds.

My brother Joe, Me & Brother Louie

Emma, Scott's Brother Howard and Ava 

The computer at my brothers is in the closet under the stairs, the kids were having fun in there

Scott's turn

Kid on each side of my brother

I remember the days of eating with a kid on my lap lol

Melissa getting loved on (or attacked depending on how you look at it)

All of us
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Chris H said...

OMH Trevor is bigger than you! Griffin is taller than me too, but not BIGGER. Don't our boys grow so fast? I can't get over how big they both are for their ages.
Lovely family photos Julie.

Annsterw said...

What a beautiful family you have!!! Thanksgiving is always my favorite! You guys look so happy!

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