Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One More Bitches!!

So much to blog about but I just have a few minutes because I really need to go to bed! I just wanted to post that I'm proud of myself for going out and getting my run done tonight even though I could have just put in some excuses (like a quick drive to San Jose to pick up my husband because some crazy messed up his train ride).  BUT I had told myself and everyone else that tonight I was going to do my couch to 5k, week NINE DAY 2 and I came home and tied up my shoes and went out and did it. Yes it was 10:40pm when I got home but it's done!

One more to go!

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

You ROCK!! THat is why you are so skinny! You do it..did it..and got it done! You are so amazing!

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