Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fatty No More

Friday I decided to go and get Jess from school so she could come home for the long weekend. Melissa went with me for the ride. Jess gave us a tour of where everything is at the school and Melissa got to see her sister's dorm room. After that we went in search of some dinner and of course ended up back down on Cannery Row. One of these days we'll find somewhere less touristy to eat at maybe! Jess wanted to have clam chowder in a bread bowl so we went to Louie Linguine's. I went there with my Mom and it was pretty good. When we were walking up to the restaurant the big blue moon was out over the bay and the city lights in the background. We had to pause and look at it, it was so beautiful! (picture by Jess)

I ate a cup of clam chowder and FISH AND CHIPS. It was delicious. I was so worried I was going to be sick after I ate it though. I had a little bit of a queasy stomach but not too bad. I haven't ate anything greasy like that in a long time.

When we got done with dinner it was freezing outside. We ran and shivered back to the car and cranked up the heater for the ride home. We just made one stop to go to the bathroom and I got some coffee. I was pretty proud of myself doing almost the whole trip without using a map or directions. I did second guess myself in one spot and Jess looked it up on her phone but we were on the right track. We got home around midnight and after decompressing for a few minutes I went to bed.

Saturday morning I got up and put on my running clothes and went out and did the first day of week 5 of the couch to 5k. I think the brightness was turned down on my phone because I couldn't see the time I had left for running on it and at one point I just stopped for a second and pulled it off and walked so I could see how much longer I had. So I walked a few times of the running but I added a little more to the end during the cool down time. I think it might have almost evened out. I'm not getting better at taking my own pic though haha. Although the paint on the wall in the background is motivating me to get that wall painted.

I needed to go pick up a library book at the library so I took Trevor with me and we went and spent some time in town. I went to the jewelry store and took in my wedding ring to get it re-sized AGAIN! I know you long time readers remember when I had to go get it CUT OFF because it was so tight I couldn't get it off and it was getting painful. I had got it re-sized and added some gold to it (after 20 years it was getting a bit thin!) and I was finally able to wear it comfortably. But now, this is how it looks

My Uncle was actually working at the jewelry store and waited on me. He did the little ring sizer thing and it's getting made 2 whole sizes smaller. I'm a little nervous that it might be too tight but if it is I'll just have them fix it again. The other ring I am wearing on my other hand so it's not quite so big (right hand is bigger).

I'm also finally able to wear another ring that I've had for years. I've always felt guilty about it because I was being a bit selfish and threw a fit for it. I gained weight not too long after I got it and was never able to really wear it. Well today I'm wearing it on my wedding ring finger and it fits perfect. It also fits on my right hand so I can wear it on that hand once my other ring gets fit. No more feeling guilty having that nice ring sitting in my jewelry box!


  1. I liked reading about your rings...because in the past I actually had to get mine cut off! NOT a good feeling! I did get them resized, though, so I can wear them!

    - Brenna (a fellow Fit Camper)

  2. WOOHOO on getting your rings re-sized! That is an awesome non-scale victory!
    Ang (from fit camp)

  3. That is awesome! After having my rings sized up several times during my 6 years of marriage, I finally had them sized down for the first time recently. It is definitely a good feeling! ~fellow fit camper

  4. Oh man, now I want some fish and chips!!!! Congrats on making it to week five of the C25k!! ~ Jen J.

  5. You look awesome and I'm so glad you are feeling better. :) My wedding ring fits better as well but I am now allergic to most metals, so I have to take it off every night and if it's too hot out or I exercise. OTHERWISE, my finger gets a super itchy rash and it's gross looking. Ick.


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