Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pea Soup Andersen's

On the way home from Monterey we decided it was about time to stop at Pea Soup Andersen's. We have driven by this place TONS of times. I think I ate there one time when I was 18 with a friend but it is a very faint memory. 

If you are driving down the highway you can't miss the huge windmill. Not to mention they have billboards for this place MILES away. 

If you are looking for something fun this is your place. Everything is decorated really cute and old fashioned.

Scott and I decided that we'd share our dinner so I ordered the soup and salad (so we could try this famous soup!) and he ordered the french dip.

(Please excuse the cell phone pics.)

The croutons on this salad were to die for. I think they are made from the onion rolls that they serve.

 I've never had pea soup before. I was kind of scared to try it. I mean, I like peas but pea soup?? I'm trying to be brave in my older years so I tried it. I liked it! It had a tiny bit of a spicy flavor to it. I think it would have been good with little pieces of ham too. Scott said his mom always added bacon to her soup when she made it. That would probably work too. (really what's NOT good with bacon in it??)

This was a huge bowl. We would have been fine sharing a cup. But we still managed to finish it.

I was pleasantly surprised that the french dip came with real beef on it. There is nothing more disappointing than ordering a french dip and it coming out with lunch meat slices on it. That is NOT a french dip. That is a cold cut sandwich. 

The onion rings were a nice surprise. 

We were both totally stuffed after we ate. It was all good! I forgot to take a picture of the rolls but they were the bomb too!

We'll definitely go back on our little treks back and forth to Monterey!


  1. Wow what an amazing looking place and the food! Wow... looked fantastic.
    I make pea & bacon soup fairly often. You use dried split green peas, not fresh peas from the garden. Totally different things.
    Funny how you can drive past a place like that and always MEAN to go in, but never do. I'm glad you stopped there, now you know what you have been missing for years. lol

  2. Oh Julie I love pea soup - not that you asked. And we too put bacon in ours. I am sitting here at my desk with my tummy growling and I am reading about all this good food - and with pics to boot. It's so wrong!


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