Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nap Time!

So yesterday I tried the chocolate version of the Lean Shake 25 Protein Powder. Once again I mixed it with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk and a cup of frozen strawberries in the blender. This one had a much better taste than the vanilla version. I was pretty full all morning. BUT I felt kind of weird. Just "off" a bit. I'm wondering if it was something in the shake that was making me feel that way. Then I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. So. Not quite sure if I want to spend the money on those shakes or not. My friend pointed out that it contains soy, which might not be a good thing to be consuming. My brother drinks a whey protein so I was thinking maybe I'll try out some of those. It was nice not feeling hungry all morning though!

This morning I got up and did my week one day three of couch to 5k. I downloaded a new app, the version and it was much better. The other one I had kept clicking off the last time I was using it and I had to restart it 2 times. NOT good! This one I had no problems with. Except one time I didn't hear the cue to start walking so I ran longer than I needed to and then eventually was like "what the heck that was the longest minute ever" and when I checked I was almost done with the next walk. So I got a bit more running in today.

When I got back I sat down for a minute and Scott was going to go out and ride his bike so I asked if I could follow along behind him. He took a bit of a reverse route from what I usually do. I couldn't even catch up to him for quite awhile and then YEAH I did. He took a gravel road in one section and I didn't want to go down there so I ended up in front of him but he still got home first so I apparently went a bit farther. Weird. Anyhow, I got quite a bit of exercise in this morning. GO ME!

I have been playing around on the map my ride website lately and here is my week

I'm planning on going to a neighbor's bbq and birthday party tonight. Should be fun!

1 comment:

Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!