Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fish Fry Saturday

Yesterday after noon we went over to the neighbor's for a Birthday party and "Fish Fry". I pretty much had to drag Scott into going. We hung out together for a bit and then he found another neighbor to talk car talk with and I hardly ever saw him again. Yeah to being sociable!!  We had a great time! We had fried cat fish that was caught right in our river by the birthday boy and another neighbor, jambalaya (my first time having that, whoo spicy!), homemade coleslaw and lots of fruit salad. Not to mention a delicious piece of cake. I may have had a few glasses of wine too. 

Don't mind my weird hair. The weather was all kinds of crazy yesterday! Looking at this picture it amazes me how much I look like my Dad. Strong family genes that's for sure!

Earlier in the day I spent some time going through my closet again. I went through all the clothes in there and I now have 4 more bags of clothes to get rid of. I had saved a few favorite things from my "skinny days" 13 years ago after I had Melissa and amazingly they all fit. Sadly they aren't all in style haha. I ended up just keeping my favorite skirt and pretty much everything else is in the give away bags. 

I also got out my wedding dress. I had been playing around with the idea of trying to wear it for my 20th anniversary. It's all yellowed and has a bunch of stains on it (never did get it cleaned). What was so pretty in 1992 is so out of style now I had to laugh! Now I'm thinking maybe I can remake it a bit. There's still about 4 inches to closing that zipper though. I took it out of the box it was in and put it in some dry cleaning type bags and hung it up in my closet. I'll have to play around with some ideas for that!

Today's goal is to get my room cleaned up a bit more. My desk looks like mount crapsmore.

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness the two of you look so young on your wedding day!
    You look so good Chick!


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