Thursday, August 16, 2012

College Shopping, I Can Run THREE MINUTES and my kid is weird!

So today was fun. Worked, then came home and took Jessica shopping for some of the stuff she needs for school. (she moves a week from tomorrow EEK!)

My Mom got her her bedding and towels and some other stuff. Scott's Mom is getting her shampoo, soap etc. So we got the stuff in between that she needed.

I had fun shopping with her, although she about killed my arm slugging me every time we saw a Volkswagen.

I'm a bit sore from my exercise yesterday so bending over and getting slugged in the arm isn't feeling all that awesome.

When we got home I put on my running clothes and went out and did the day 3 of week 3 couch to 5k. I made myself run all of the runs without stopping.


I did stop for a second after the last one and get a drink out of a faucet. I think I need to carry a water bottle with me, but it seems like it would be hard to run with a water bottle in my hand. Any ideas? Lovely picture up my nose if I do say so myself. It was about 900 degrees in the bathroom so I was trying to hurry up.

Oh and I twisted my ankle and ALMOST fell. Not while I was running but while I was walking! Kind of stepped in a small pot hole or something. Thought I was going to fall for a minute. Kind of glad it was dark so no one saw but then if it wasn't dark I probably wouldn't have twisted my ankle.

Trevor stayed home again today since he's still sick. Jessica sent me these pictures of his "concoctions". Dang kid. He keeps killing all my Popsicles. I don't know what the hell he thinks he's making. It would be ok if he actually ate it. Anyone else's kids do that? I told him he has to go to school tomorrow but he might ends up staying home again. He's still spitting a lot (he says it hurts too much to swallow). Some how I don't think that would go over very well at school.

My friend Sara sent me this awesome video today. All I could think of after I saw it was how good that cheeseburger and fries looked. I think that's probably not a good thing hehe.


  1. get a camelback or a fanny pack that holds a bottle of water.

    Hope Trevor feels better! what a way to spend your first week of school.

    So, I was snooping thru your fb photos and saw some you and Scott at a wedding last year (August pix)(looked like a wedding) and WOW the difference is amazing in both of you! Go look!

  2. How come every running photo you have this sorta half smile on? Are you trying to do something?


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