Friday, July 20, 2012

Things To Eat In Tahoe

Well, now that I have internet service for a few minutes I'm going to try and squeak out a post! I swear our internet goes in and out more than Christian Gray. 

So Sunday? I think it was, we decided to go to the ice cream parlor in Camp Richardson that we always go to. Usually it's a big bike ride on a trail and then ice cream. We decided to skip the bike ride and just go pig out.

Seriously. Here are Scott and I with our "kid" sized scoops in a cup trying to be good. Melissa has a "single". Rusty is being camera shy. He finished off most of ours. 

More of our group, we have 5 girls and 1 boy between our 2 families. That's a lot of hormones.

Trevor and his "single" scoop

and my friend Allen with his GINORMOUS double scoop. He was sick a few hours later after eating the whole thing!

We sat on the grass and watched everyone going by on the busy highway. 

If you are ever in the Tahoe area this is an awesome place to stop!

1 comment:

Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!