Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Mix

Does anyone else sometimes wish that it was dark outside so they could just go to bed? I'm totally exhausted  all of a sudden. But it's still light outside. It's so wrong to go to bed when it's light outside right? Maybe I just need some heavy drapes...

I finished making 60 baby shower game bags today. (Etsy Store) I was trying to get them out in the mail today but got done half an hour too late. Sucks. So I'll run them over to the post office in the morning and pray they make it to their destination in time.

Note to self: If you think you have two weeks to get something done? You'll probably get the flu for a week of that so start early. My poor Etsy shop has just about been forgot about with me working full time. I pretty much come home and do the minimum required and then pass out. That will be the one thing I'm happy about when Scott goes back to work. I'm so going back to part time!

I was kind of wanting to start the couch to 5k this week but it's flipping hot. 100's for all week. That will require me to get up at 5:30 or earlier and I about killed my alarm clock hitting the snooze button so many times today. Maybe tomorrow? Instead I rode my bike over 6 miles in the 97 (insert pretty degree thingy) heat. I was trying to do the same ride as the other day but I was so hot I didn't do the last little stretch. I've been trying to chew gum when I walk and ride my bike so I don't feel so thirsty and I totally forgot this time.

For dinner we got the kids chicken strips from the corner store, Scott had cereal and I had left over deliciousness from my brother's birthday party. With chips of course. I must now go drink a bunch of water.

  Source: via Mom Taxi on Pinterest

I should make tortilla chips and salsa be on the naughty list but I'm pretty sure I like them more than cake. Weird.

Well I have nothing else on my agenda for the week. The next thing I have to do is to maybe go to a party on Saturday. Darn that sounds like work.

25 days until my oldest goes to college.  I don't know if she's excited but I know her siblings can't wait to have their own room! We are all going to feel so lost when she is gone though. I'm so glad she is only going two hours away. She can come home on the weekend if she gets home sick. Or I could just go stalk her at school if I miss her too much! I'm sure that would go over great :wink:

1 comment:

  1. It's been upper 90s to 100 every day here lately too -- have you thought about running/biking right when the sun goes down and it cools down (a little at least!). Chewing gum -- what a great idea -- I might need to give that a whirl!


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