Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well I actually made it all day at work today. Woot! I only thought I was going to die a couple times. Pretty much had my fan on all day for those little hot flashes of virus still pulsating through my system.

After work I had to go to Target and get some laundry soap and of course look around at the clothes on clearance. Is it just me? Or does anyone else think that Target has some REALLY ugly clothes? I can see they are trying to have some funky retro thing going on but the stuff is just fugly! Makes me stick to my solid color t's and jean shorts/pants/capri's. I did end up trying on a few pairs of capri pants that I found on the clearance rack though. I took in some 6's and just for the fun of it a couple of 4's.

Well, guess what I put on and actually bought because they fit so well?

I seriously wanted to call someone while I was in the dressing room while simultaneously jumping for joy. Seriously? I have NEVER bought anything size 4. I don't think it was just a fluke either since the 6's I took in were too big.

The last time I was even close to this size? The years 1999-2000. Before I got pregnant with Melissa I went to Weight Watchers. I started at 199 pounds. I got down to about 160 or so and then I got pregnant. I was totally sick for most of the pregnancy and actually ended up losing a bit of weight after I had her. The lowest I remember getting was about 153. I quit going to Weight Watchers not too long after I had her because Jessica was in Kindergarten and it was just too hard to get there after her pick up for the meetings.

Here I am circa 2000 scrapbook page.

I used to ride around with Melissa on the back like that all over. She sat back there until she physically got stuck one time when I was trying to get her out. I think she was about four haha.

So anyhow, I'm pretty stoked! But in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I have to be really careful so I don't slip up like I did sometime after 2000. Slowly the weight crept up. I have gained and lost a lot of weight since then. This time has to be different. I have to find a focus and not let go of it. I can't just let myself get comfortable and forget that I have to work hard to maintain a thin body.


  1. Following you from Mama Laughlin's Fit Camp. Cant wait to follow your journey. You can follow me back at

  2. You go, badass! Even I have never been a size 4 even in my best days (the best I've ever been was a 7/8) so I am proud of you! Rock on lady. :)

  3. You are so amazing. This new you is the person I want to become! THanks for being such an awesome friend!


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