Thursday, June 7, 2012

Girl's Night Out SUSHI

Earlier this week my girlfriends and I went out to celebrate a birthday. We started off by meeting up at the movie theaters to see Snow White & The Huntsman

This is not really the usual kind of movie we see when the three of us go out. We are usually a bit more "chick flick" but there isn't a whole lot out right now and it seemed interesting enough. I hadn't looked it up or seen any previews for it so I didn't even know who was in it.

I thought the movie was "ok" but probably wouldn't watch it again. It did have some REALLY cool effects. That would be worth the Redbox rental itself. 

After the movie we walked down to  Matsu Sushi

None of had ever tried sushi before, but we all agreed it would be fun to give it a try. Plus it's pretty low in calories!  Our waitress was really nice and answered the  questions we peppered her with. 

We eventually decided to try three different rolls. I also ordered us an appetizer. My friend and I both got the Miso soup and she also got a salad so she wouldn't starve if she didn't like the sushi. 

We put in our order then we goofed around.

Birthday card my friend got for our other friend

 This is one of the appetizers. It was called a "Puff Daddy" I think. 4 came in a martini glass. They were really good. I think it was crab & shrimp friend (what's not to like there?)

Here is our meal 

On the left is the California Roll, the top is a Dragon Roll and the right side was an Italian Roll. Everything we got had cooked fish. Guess we aren't as adventurous as we could be. Next time!

First round, ummm good

After dinner, which was only $40 for the 3 of us, what a cheap date we are, hopped in the car together and went to Ross where my friend found just the right sized wine glass.

 And then we went over to Kohl's and looked around. 
We finished the night off by hanging out at Starbucks until they were closing up.

I can't wait until next time!


  1. Fun night. So many brands are launching snow white and the huntsmen themed products it's insane. I was sure the movie wouldn't be worth the hype. You confirmed it just now.
    I haven't had proper read 'raw' sushi as yet. Aaah..someday!

  2. I love sushi!
    Glad you enjoyed your first taste of it.
    What a neat evening.

  3. Haha, those pictures made me smile. Girls nights are for food and laughing and being silly - and taking awesome pictures like that. (o: Glad you had fun!

  4. Those pictures of you laughing made me laugh. what fun!!


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