Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend Fun!

Well today was a great day!

Woke up early when Trevor woke up around 5:45. I got up and took the dog out and let the cat drink out of the bathroom faucet (I know, spoiled!) and then went back to bed for about 2 1/2 more hours. Got up and then went over to my mom's cabin for a Mother's Day brunch. One of my brothers was there (the other had to work ) and both my sister in laws and nieces. My mom set up a griddle on the porch and everyone made pancakes with mix in's and they had made sausage ahead of time. I brought myself my cottage cheese and apples and had two pieces of sausage and a lot of coffee. I didn't miss the pancakes too much.

Trevor had a birthday party to go to so Jess and I dropped him off there and then went and did a little shopping. I FINALLY found a decent bathing suit at Marshall's of all places. I actually found a couple I liked, which is amazing since I've tried on a ton of them and not been able to find any that I liked.

We hit Starbucks for our 1/2 price frapps and then went home. Jess helped me do the dishes and Scott BBQ'd some chicken. After dinner we went over to my mom's house and took her paddle boat that she bought last year out on the lake for the first time. Talk about fun! What a great work out too.It took us forever to get from one side of the lake to the other. We pulled it out at one of my book club buddies docks and ended up sitting there chatting and having some wine. Jess took Trevor home and went home too after awhile. I had to eventually call her to come pick me up when it got too cold.
What a great day!

Oh and I hit my 30 pounds lost this morning. wooohooo


  1. Congratulations on your hard work and 30lbI loss!!!
    Boy it seemed you did it so quickly ....easy for me to say.

  2. Freakin awesome news on your continuing losses... you rock!
    Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day too.


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