Monday, May 7, 2012

Fatty Weekend.

I'm so far behind on my blogging! I've been busy doing stuff that makes great blogging material but no time to blog.

Here's a run down on the last few days.

Wednesday went to grocery shopping and spent over $300 on one basket of groceries.
Then went to a friend's house for dinner to meet her Mom and Sister who were visting.

Thursday worked outside in the hedgerow at work.
Skipped Christian book club on Thursday since I was going to be gone all weekend.

Friday went to see Carlos Mencias
Saturday morning I got up early and left for a scrapbooking weekend.

Since that is the freshest in my mind I'll talk about that.

Saturday morning I got picked up around eight to go on a mini scrapbook retreat weekend. It's so nice to get picked up at your house and not have to drive.

WHICH reminds me that I forgot to give the driver some cash for gas. UGH.

I didn't eat any breakfast (HUGE MISTAKE) because I didn't know if we were planning on eating that morning or not. I knew we were going to Starbucks so I waited until then to drink any coffee. I started the morning with a Skinny Vanilla Latte.

We got to the scrapbook store where they were having a National Scrapbook Day crop and we had these nice things waiting for us.

A page kit, and some nice stuff in a little bag. I got a ton of free stuff while I was there. Several page kits & paper sets and three make and takes.

They had an order form for Togo's for lunch. I ordered a salad so I could stay on my calorie count. When the salad got there it had maybe a half a cup of chicken on it and about three cups of iceburg lettuce. Not quite what I was expecting. In hindsight I would have been better to just get a sandwich with more protein on it.

I pretty much felt like I was starving all day and ended up eating WAY too many snacks. It was like I just couldn't get rid of that starving feeling. Finally we had dinner around 7 or so. They had someone bring in some Mexican food from a restaurant in Berkely. It was soooo good and I ate a ton of chips and salsa (my favorite food group), beans, chicken and carne asada.

Do you love my picture from the photo props? 

They took a ton of pictures but they aren't up on their website yet.

When we got back to the hotel we had cake for my friends birthday and some wine. I went over almost 1000 calories that day and felt like shit. I actually fell asleep while everyone was still up drinking and talking because I was so tired I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

Sunday morning we got up and went to Denny's for breakfast like last time. I got the low cal skillet they have again and it was so good. I also ordered a side of fruit and ate someone else's fruit. I ususally eat several pieces a day and hadn't had any the day before and felt like I was really lacking it.

After that we were going to go to Starbucks but I said I was going to pass on it and then everyone else decided not to have any either. We were going to go later but no one really wanted it.

Lunch was from Kinder's and I ordered a sandwich and beans for my side. It was really good.

For dinner we went to Applebee's and I tried one of their 100 calorie margaritas. Good but no buzz. And $6.99 so not really worth it.

I had a Weight Watcher's Steak for dinner. It was really good and I was stuffed for the rest of the night. Only 500 calories or so over for Sunday.

I was seriously scared to step on the scale this morning. Up 2.4 pounds. Hopefully it won't take too long to get rid of that.  Next time we go I'm taking a little ice chest with some "alternative" meals just in case!


  1. How was the Carlos Mencia show?
    used to like his tv show.

    sounds like a good weekend.

  2. Sounds like lots of fun! You are so good at sticking to a healthy meal plan while out and about.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hear ya...I feel like every weekend I am indulging! But you have done so well so far...don't let it set you back!

    And I say when you are more busy living than's usually a good thing!


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