Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another Day Another Donut

So this was yesterday's torture in the break room.

And to make it even more fun it's still there today! I didn't even walk over to it and open it to see what's left. I'm growing up! Maybe. I just keep thinking about being in my brother's pool with all their skinny friends and actually NOT being the fattest one there.

I think I can I think I can.

Last night for dinner I made this recipe

I used fat free cheese on mine and that made it only 248 calories. It's a low carb recipe too. It was pretty yummy! I think the next time I make it I might mix up the tomatoes and the bacon bits. I didn't put the green onions on it since I must have used them already for something else. Couldn't find them in the fridge! I also just cooked the chicken on the stove in my cast iron skillet. The ignitor thing is broke on our BBQ and I'm scared I'm going to blow up trying to light it myself.

Tonight I'm making this

Looks yummy doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. You're as bad as me.
    I watch food network and The Chew daily and eat very little.
    Somethin' wrong with us Julie!!


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