Friday, April 13, 2012

51/50 The Magical Adventures of a Single Life

It's finally happened. I FINALLY finished a "free" book on my Kindle. I swear some of the stuff they put on there is just plain garbage. I really enjoyed this book though.

51/50 The Magical Adventures of a Single Life
by Kristen McGuiness

This is the story of a girl who is lost. She starts out looking for the perfect man, but through the journey of her 51 dates in 50 weeks she finds quite a bit of herself.

Here are some quotes I highlighted while reading (love that feature on my Kindle!)

"Because years ago, I was just like my father, always believing that I was something more than I was... Always thinking I deserved a certain life, but never being willing to change to make life happen."

Something I struggle with all the time.  Do I want to change my life?  If I want to change my life I am going to have to work harder.  Maybe it won't get any better? The unknown is the scary part, isn't it?

"Our struggles, our fears, they're only as big as we make them. And we can let these little things stop us from reaching our potential, or we can see them for what they are and keep walking".


When reading the reviews of this book on Goodreads, there were some really high and really low opinions.  Just like any book some people dig it and some people don't.  I really enjoyed the journey.

1 comment:

  1. I might have to try this one out. Most of those free books look down right sleazy. I usually just stick with the free classics if I get anything free.


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