Saturday, March 24, 2012

Slow Saturday Morning

Well the rain has been holding off although it's been kind of windy. I'm sure it will show up soon. I should be outside working but I've had my nose in a book. I finished the second book in the Hunger Games series and since it ends abruptly I had to instantly start the third one. I'm about half way through and my Kindle battery has died so it's charging.

I'd be a lot farther along if I didn't keep nodding off so much. That is so annoying when you know you shouldn't even be tired and you really want to get a book done!

I'm hoping to finish it by tonight. Then maybe we can go see the movie soon. I kind of want to wait until it's not so crowded.

Today we are also going to the in-laws for my mother in law's birthday. My sister in law is making dinner again. I'm hoping it goes better than last time. The last time we went over there for my other sister in law's birthday I just wanted to have a stiff drink by the time it was over.

Please God make me be a nice old person.

Also hoping we are having something green with dinner. Tempted to bring some salad so I can stay within my calorie count.

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