Saturday, March 10, 2012

College Day

Ahhh what a busy day. I'm so tired.

Got up early and took Trevor to my brother's. Then came home and Scott, Jess and I took off for Monterey. They were having a new student day of some sort so we went. After we got there we didn't end up going to any of the programs since they all seemed the same as the ones we went  to last time we were there. We did however tour the dorm rooms again (this time they had a double instead of a triple to look at) and go into the book store to buy some goodies. Jess got a sweatshirt, I got a sticker for my car and Jess picked out a banner to have her biology teacher hang up in his classroom. I guess he likes to have one for each school his students are going to and has them sign them when they go. He didn't have one for Monterey so she got him one.

We were all starving so we drove around to find somewhere to eat. We ended up at Chili's. I ended up getting a chicken salad off their lighter menu (only 420 calories) and ate about 20 chips and salsa. I actually made it under my calorie count today even with going out of town IF I don't eat anything else before I got to bed haha.

Then we went over to the beach for a little bit. It was kind of cold so we got our toes wet and took some pictures.

We stopped back by the school sign on the way back down the highway and got a picture of her with the sign.  Makes me all teary thinking of her leaving soon. I'm not missing any teeth in that picture, it's Jessica's hair haha.

On the way back we stopped at Casa de Fruta. It's like a fancy fruit stand. I got some flavored pistachios. Scott got some dried apricots. Jess got some salt water taffy. We got Melissa a peanut butter bucket and Trevor some chocolate covered pretzels. AND I got some pomegranate wine to take to my sister in laws tomorrow.

Here's my pistachios. They had a bunch of different flavors. I got tequila, garlic, chile and lemon and Scott got some regular ones.

The chile ones were SUPER hot. Those might be good with alcoholic beverages ;) I think I liked the garlic ones the best.

Well I'm pretty proud of myself for staying under calories today. I should go to bed before I mess that up :wink:

1 comment:

  1. I love pistachios! Made me laugh about going to be instead of eating! I think that all of the time when my body needs something at the end of the day! Sleep is probably better than more food! ;)


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