Monday, February 13, 2012

Dancing, The Vow, and Valentine's Day

Saturday night was the big dance night! My friend that was helping me set things up ended up being really sick and wasn't able to make it. The whole party ended up being people from work, which was totally fine. Just kind of makes you wonder when you invite about fifty people and the only ones that show up are the ones you work with.  Like, are these other people really my friends? It WAS great that the people from work came though. Very nice of them and we all had a great time. It's great to work with such nice people too.

I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to take my camera in and my phone doesn't take good pictures in the dark. I danced all night and my legs were aching before I even got home. At about 1:30 we left and went to Denny's with a few other people. I'm sure we burned enough calories dancing to make up for what we ate before we went home and passed out from exhaustion.

Sunday I attempted to sleep in but that didn't work out too well. Eventually I had to get up since I had a movie date with Jess. We went to go see The Vow with her friend, friend's mom and a bunch of other people. We didn't really talk to anyone much though since we got there right before the movie started and no one made any plans for afterwards.

I don't want to ruin anything for you but I was kind of disappointed in the movie. Except the part where Channing got up and we got a full view of his bare naked rear end. That was almost worth the $10 to get in.

If you need some last minute Valentine's ideas you should go check out my Pinterest Valentine's Board. Although, I will admit that I got ZERO Valentine's projects done.  I am going to print out some of the Vintage Valentine's for tomorrow though.

I hope you all have a nice Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy Valentines Day Julie :)

  2. I felt kind of disappointed with the movie too. I think it had been hyped up so much, I was just hoping for more, but yeah, I feel the same way.

    Happy valentines day!

  3. I heard The Vow was disappointing from somewhere else... now you have said the same thing I will not go!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hope you had a lovely vday!

    Dissapointed to hear The Vow wasn't that good...I saw the actual couple on the Today Show and it seemed like a really sweet story.

    And I always love your pins on pinterest!


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