Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Versatile Blogger My Favorites and more

Loressa at Curious Wisdom and Other Every Day Practicalities gave me this "Versatile Blogger" award. 

I guess I am pretty Versatile. I'm all over the place! Probably why it took me 4 years to get up to 100 followers ;)

Recipients of this award are asked to:

Thank the person that nominated their blog for the award with a backlink to them. (check!)

List 7 things about themselves. (Hmm is there really anything I HAVEN'T told you?)

 I'll go with 7 weird food things about me.
  • I hate grated carrots (there's a story that goes with that)
  • I hate raisins
  • I can't eat raw pineapple (kills my mouth!)
  • The skin on apricots and peaches grosses me out (fuzzy, ick)
  • I don't like to peel oranges with my fingers. The thought of getting it under my nails makes me want to shudder.
  • I make a killer potato salad (was my mil's recipe but since my husband doesn't ever think it's exactly like hers I'm claiming my version as MINE)
  • Dried fruit scares me
Award 10 versatile blogs with the award and notify them of the award.
Hmmm I always feel kind of weird with the awards thing. I think I'll just tell you ten of my favorite blogs and then if they want the award they can take it?

  1. Straight Up No Chaser I look for her blog first before I read anyone else's every day.
  2. Diet Coke Rocks The daily life of Chris from New Zealand. LOVE!
  3. Sara's Organized Chaos Mom blogger and crafter that talks like me (unfiltered)
  4. Annster's Domain She's in work out mode right now but she blogs about all kinds of things and works in nature, which is awesome!
  5. Finny Knits Talks like a sailor, gardens and has bees in her backyard (gotta watch the video when she loses the queen bee, I cried, so funny although not for her at the time)
  6. African Kelli is a kind soul who loves crafting, cooking entertaining and has the cutest dog ever. Well right behind my Rusty anyways ;)
  7. Ashley Quite Frankly has two adorable boys who say the funnies things. 
  8. Domestic Fashionista down to earth thinking and she is great at entertaining and decorating
  9. Saucy's Sprinkles cupcake extraordinaire. Seriously, they are awesome. 
  10. Juggling Life has 4 children with the last one getting ready to fly.
  11. and one more, my good friend Mary at Rufflebutts. She has the most adorable little girls, big girls and 2 little grandsons.


  1. Julie that is so nice of you!!!
    Thank you.

    Dried fruit scares you?
    that's funny and sad because dried fruit is so damn good!
    But that just means more for me.

  2. Thanks for the 'award'... even though I never accept them! lol
    I must check out some of the other ones you have listed!


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