Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Book Club Day

Today we finally had book club for Talk Before Sleep. Pretty much everyone liked it although one person that said she helped take care of her mother in law while she was dying from cancer said that she got about twenty pages in and couldn't read anymore. Totally understandable.

We had some yummy snacks today, all from Costco. I have a tiny headache and I'm pretty sure that's from the two glasses of wine I had.

I had a nice time visiting with everyone. One thing really bothers me though, and that's how racist a lot of older people are.  Just last week we were watching the Gran Torino on TV. That generation, that Clint Eastwood plays seem to be really racist.  People in the 70-80 age bracket. Do you see it? I didn't grow up in a racist home at all so it's always shocking to me when I hear people saying negative things about other people. Judging them by where they are from and such. I'm glad that my kids don't think that way. At least I hope they don't.

Another topic of conversation was about a recent widower and how he was telling people how much women are chasing him now. They all didn't really think it was happening but I've lived out here long enough to know that that does happen here. Someone's spouse dies and if the remaining spouse is with it, you know, fit and of sound mind, they get flocked to. You'd be surprised how fast older people hook up. I say go for it if it makes you happy. Who wants to be lonely and by yourself when you can have someone that makes you happy and fills your days with companionship.

So our next book is Leslie Meier's Valentine Murder. Awhile back we read another one of her books, The Wicked Witch Murder. Apparently I didn't blog about it but I gave it 4 out of 5 stars so I must have liked it.

Here's what the new one is about (From Goodreads):

It’s Valentine’s Day in Tinker’s Cove. And while the cupcakes Lucy Stone is baking for her children will have pink frosting and candy hearts, Lucy’s thoughts aren’t centered on sugary sentiments. She’s barely arrived at her first board meeting of the newly-renovated library when Bitsy Howell, the new librarian, is found dead in the basement, shot only minutes before story hour was to start. The agitated board members assume that Bitsy was killed by an outsider, until Detective Lt. Horowitz arrives on the scene and announces that the killer is among them. 

Lucy was already aware that Bitsy’s uppity big city ways rubbed some people in Tinker’s Cove the wrong way. But she has a hunch that motives for the librarian’s violent death run a lot deeper. From Hayden Norcross’s elegant antique shop to Corney Clark’s chic kitchen, Lucy relentlessly snoops into the curious lifestyles and shocking secrets of Tinker’s Cove’s most solid citizens—secrets that will plunge her into a terrifying confrontation with a conniving killer…

Sounds like a good one! I need to get busy reading!


  1. Sounds really nice. I love me a good "whodunnit" novel. You are so right about older people finding partners easily. My neighbor who is in her 70's, remarried just a few months after her husband passed away. Not to forget, she is loaded and has no children. I think it's also easier for them because at their age, they have lower expectations, and are looking for companionship if anything else. It's great to see them happy and content.

  2. Thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I love your post.

  3. Well to your father is 83 and he is the original Archie Bunker...accent and all. Sadly. He has improved but it's still under there.

    This book sounds good!

  4. It made me smile thinking about older people flocking to each other! Too funny.

  5. I remember when I was young my grandma seeing an asian person with a white person at 7/11 and saying "I wish people would just stick to their own kind". Kind of stuck with me I guess! My brother's wife is half Korean. I can't remember if my grandma was still alive for that wedding. I think she was though!



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