Sunday, December 4, 2011

1st Birthday and Gingerbread House Party, complete with Adorable Babies!

This was a busy weekend! We had an early Saturday Birthday Party for my Cousin's Boy. He was a bit tired and wasn't at all sure about what was going on. If only you could get kids to nap on command so they wouldn't be tired when you want them to be up and happy.

Then we went over to my brother's house to help my sister in law pre-assemble gingerbread houses for her party on Sunday.

Which brought us to today and the actual party. Look who was there. Can you believe she will be one month tomorrow already? Obviously she's wearing the little shirt I bought her :)

I was telling the mom's with little girls that were there that when my daughters were little they didn't have those nice soft headbands like that. They used to have these weird Velcro things to stick to the baby's head for little bows. Remember those? And all the headband things were super tight and icky. Like a piece of elastic.

So back to the Gingerbread House Party

My other niece is getting so big!

I finally got her to look at me

After everyone was done

Right before we left this other baby came and my niece wanted to hold her. She's just about as big haha. Super adorable!

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