Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

My Mom brought over this lawn swing the other day.
It had belonged to my brother but he didn't want it anymore.
The top is pretty dirty, any ideas of the best way to clean that?
I'll have to recover the cushion and then it will be good as new. Trevor thinks it's great!

parenting BY dummies

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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Julie a few years ago I bought sunbrella fabric cleaner but honestly you don't need to spend the money. Try this.

I had a swing that we gave away too. We never used it.

Annsterw said...

Awesome swing!!!! BIG score!!!!

Annsterw said...

YEAH!!!!I can post to your site - yippee!!!

Chris H said...

That is totally cool, I would love one of those.
Good luck wth the cleaning, I hope you find a way to make it clean again.

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