Sunday, August 14, 2011

My weekend is exhausting.

Well it's been an interesting weekend. Friday night I went with a friend from work out to a couple bars/clubs. I got totally smashed on 3 drinks. Apparently I should have stopped after the first one that was REALLY strong. We went to BJ's after the bars to get something to eat and sober up a bit. Then back to her house and I sacked out on the couch. I drove home early the next morning and went back to bed for a few hours. It's rather hard to sleep when an eighteen pound cat keeps walking all over you though.

I got up telling myself I was going to clean. I got most of my room cleaned up and the laundry put away before I was sweating to death. I hope I can afford some central heat and air before I'm 80!

Scott's parents had invited us over to come eat dinner. We didn't know what time so I called and his mom said around four but they were running two hours late. I wasn't quite sure what that meant. I was ready to go by three since Scott wanted to get hair cuts for him and Trevor on the way there. We got to the hair cut place and Trevor is freaking out that he doesn't want to get his hair cut. There was a ton of people in the lobby so I decided to go next door to the grocery store and get a coffee. I go in the grocery store and they have taken out the little coffee shop. DARN!

Back to the car where Trevor's sitting in there all upset. I talked to him and explained how I'm sure he really doesn't want his dad to cut his hair for him himself when we got home and how he should really just go in and get his hair cut. This whole thing was weird since he usually really wants to get it cut and it's not like I force him to have short hair. Eventually he decided to just go in and get it cut. ::Thank God!::

So by this time we are late for his mom's house. (Mostly because he took forever to leave the house in the first place). We get there and his mom is sitting at the table with food on her plate and sneers at us, telling us to get our food because she is starving and hasn't ate since 2 am. Well alrighty then. We grab our plates and dish up and before everyone is even done eating she's went out to the shop and fallen asleep on the couch. That was the last I saw of her while we were there. We spent the rest of the time visiting with his dad, brother and sister. His dad is getting around great now! He has a cane but doesn't use it for every step. I can tell he is still in pain though since he winces a bit sometimes.

Today my sister in law is going to come over and we are going to figure out some Peppa Pig party invites for my niece. I can't believe she is almost two already! I have no idea what we are going to make and how we are going to make them. I still need to do a huge sink full of dishes, clean up the bathroom and sweep the living room.

First I'm having my coffee though!

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