Friday, June 10, 2011


The winner of last weeks FREE BOOK FRIDAY for Paint It Black is

Which is Krysten at "After I Do"

Send me an email with your info and I'll get that mailed out to you.

This weeks book is a paperback. You might have read it and or seen the movie. If you've just seen the movie you need to read the book because it's WAY different than the movie.

Her parents' divorce left 17-year-old Veronica Miller embittered and confused. Three years later, "Ronnie" still seethes with anger toward her father, a musician and teacher who has abandoned hectic New York City for the quiet beach town of Wilmington, North Carolina. Nevertheless, she reluctantly agrees to her mother's altruistic plan that for the good of all concerned, she should visit her estranged father in his new home. As the story of The Last Song unfolds, novelist Nicholas Sparks weaves his magic, threading together the intricate story of three very different people tied inextricably together.
As a reminder my Free Book Friday books are previously read books. I am cleaning off my nightstand and sharing with you! All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment on this post and I'll pick a winner NEXT Friday!

1 comment:

  1. OOooo, I don't have this Nicholas Sparks book. Pick me, pick me! (o:


Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!