Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another Day Another Quitter

Today's the last day to enter for this weeks Free Book Friday!! The Lost Mother is this weeks book, go check it out and leave a comment to enter!

So nothing too exciting happened today. Well other than my immediate boss giving her two weeks notice. She's a younger gal, just graduated college last Friday and she's been on vacation for about  a week. She's off until the 6th when I think she's coming back for a week and then will be done. Did I mention that she taught me how to make the payroll checks before she went on vacation? My other boss told me I get to make those for awhile longer, and am I sure I didn't want that position?? Most people would say jump at it but I don't want it. WAY too much stress thank you very much. Hopefully whoever they get to take her place is nice and not some dick head. The poor girl that was doing it turned into a giant stress ball.

In other news my $420 that some asshole used in Vegas is pending back INTO my account. I just paid most of the bills. I can't pay my big one though since my husband put his paycheck into an account that I don't have access to. He said he will add me but it better be pretty quick. Otherwise the first thing to go is the Direct TV.  I'm trying to figure out what to do since I have some things that come out of my old account automatically. I JUST sent in a thing to change my life insurance to this account. I'm kind of thinking of just keeping it for stuff that's online but I think that might be too much of a pain in the ass having to transfer money to different banks all the time.

Jessica picked up the cat for me today. It ended up costing a $100 less than they had quoted me. WOOHOO. I had opened a Care Credit account so the bill went on there. Should be pretty easy to pay that off quick.

The poor kitty though. He has a big rubber drain, a ton of stitches and a cone. The dog is kind of scared of him in his new state I think.

Whenever he's walking around he starts barking at him like he's some alien cat. Poor thing. He goes back in 5 days to get the drain out and 2 weeks for the stitches. Hopefully I can get him to like being indoor more so he'll stop getting his neck ripped off. I think this is the 3rd time it's been sewn back together.

Today a friend at work and I went to lunch. When we were leaving we noticed this candy machine.

Looks pretty appetizing doesn't it? It's kind of by the windows so I'm thinking they got a little too much sun. Pretty gross though!

Well it's 7:00 and Scott isn't home and never sent me a message that he was leaving work. My little kids still aren't home yet either. Melissa said my mom was bringing them home later but now I'm thinking it must be MUCH later. Maybe I'll go pull out my scrapbooking stuff or something.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, don't take the job if it's likely to cause masses of stress.
    Poor cat. Teddy can commiserate, he has had to wear a cone like that LOTS!
    Eeewwww to the candy... think I said the same on FB! lol


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