Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter & Another Birthday

Lots of pictures so I'll leave them smaller, click to make bigger :)

Friday night I took Trevor and Melissa over to my brother's house to spend the night. Saturday Jess and I did all the shopping for Easter, went to lunch and saw Water for Elephants (which followed the book rather well!) Saturday night I went and picked up the kids after shopping, came home and instead of cleaning or cooking anything I laid around being exhausted. Jess took over and helped the kids dye eggs, made the cake I was wanting to make and cupcakes too. She even washed up all the stuff. Can we say AWESOME. So nice to have help around here. I don't know what my problem was but I just could.not.get.up. 

My kids plus my nephew who came to spend the night.

Look at this awesome egg Jess made.

The next morning I got up at 6 after laying there for a couple hours thinking of everything I had to get done. I got busy making the potato salad and the mac salad and the green salad. Scott went out and hid the eggs for the kids. Trevor knows we are the Easter bunny now. It's nice not to have pressure on being the bunny if you know what I mean. 

Looking for eggs

My strawberries (got sidetracked from the kids and the eggs lol) Too bad some have bugs IN them. My MIL said she used to put newspaper under them to keep the bugs out. Maybe that's one of the reasons why they put the black plastic stuff under the plants?

After cleaning my ass off the kids and I stuffed a shitload of plastic eggs with candy. After everyone got here we went out and  hid them so they could do another hunt with my niece who is now old enough to figure out to find the egg. This is the first time I've done a hunt after everyone was here. It was fun! I'm thinking next year we should do a scavenger hunt for the big kids or something. 

Isn't she cute?

Everyone thinks so, they are all trying to get a pic of her lol

Poor Rusty, sent to the slammer

Scott BBQ'd chicken & tri-tip, it was yummy

My mom brought over these outfits for the boys to get some pictures. Aren't they cute? 

Everyone thinks so lol

One with the cutie pie

All the grandkids

Melissa loves the vest and hat

I bought this fun ladder game at Target. I want to get a new game every year for us to play. Lucky for us it didn't rain this year so we could enjoy it!

My nephew has this game, bag-o's. The guys had a great time playing it.

I spent quite a bit of time sitting on the porch watching my niece and Jessica blow bubbles and play with chalk. 

She was pretty tired by this point, look at her eyes lol

And we were celebrating Jessica's 17th Birthday, which is on Friday. She made the Peeps cake I wanted to make.

It was a lot of fun but I was sooo tired by the time everyone left. Little did I know my night wasn't over.

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