Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Day Another Candle

Well it's my last couple hours of being 36. I can't believe I'm going to be 37. Times sure does fly when you get old!

I've been getting ready by cleaning grout. UGH. Why did we think tile would be a good idea? Tile in the entry way. Tile in the kitchen. Tile in the bathroom. On the walls and on the floor. That's a lot of grout. I cleaned it all the last 2 days with a toothbrush. I can barely walk. How's that for getting old?

My mom called yesterday to make plans for my birthday. She said she'd bring dinner over to my house and everyone could come over here. Sooo that means I get to clean my house for my birthday because of course no one else is going to do it. I just need to straighten up the living room a bit and clean up my bedroom now. Everything else is pretty much clean. TG! 

I'm taking tomorrow off from work. Every time I go to work on my birthday it turns into a really shitty day so I'm just going to stay home (and clean) and not expect anything. Oh and I'm going to lunch with my dad, who for once in my whole entire life not only remembered my birthday BEFORE my birthday, but called and made plans with me before my mom. It's a freaking miracle! I'm hoping to go to the little deli/hof brau (sp) downtown, it's sooo good. We used to go there all the time way back when Scott and I worked 2 blocks from each other. That was the good old days there for sure!

Have I learned anything in the last year?

I've learned to dance like no one is looking.
And to not care if they are.

To make my own happiness.
And to distract myself with something that makes me happy when I'm feeling sad.

I've read a lot of books
And learned through them.

I've watched my kids get older
And learned that before I know it they will be grown up and not need me anymore.

I've learned to speak my mind
Even though it doesn't always make people happy.

Here's to another year, whatever it will bring!

I wonder if Scott got me a birthday card as "awesome" as last year. We only got in a bit of a fight after that one.

ETA: I have 60 followers!! woohoo 


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I don't always comment but I'm your writing style!!

  2. One year Todd got me a card with two bees on the front that were saying, "Boo!" Inside the card it said, "Look, boo-bees! Happy Birthday!"

    It was hilarious and made me laugh forever. His message to me though was better. He said, "I love you and your boobies." Cute. Hands down, best card ever - he's never topped it.

    Here's to hoping you get a great card, yummy birthday food, and the kind of day you want! Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday!! So smart to stay home today! Rock out and enjoy it while you can!!! Wish we were celebrating in style..but until we can!! :o)

  4. I hope you have a really lovely Birthday chick.
    and YES,I do hope to read those books.... lol!

  5. Hi there.. I am new to blogging but stumbled upon yours by hitting next. I am soo glad that someone else has a crazy life besides me!!


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