Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Knights Ferry Salmon Festival

Sunday I took the younger kids with me to the Salmon Festival in Knights Ferry. The place where I worked helped to put it on. This was the second year for the festival. We went last year too and the kids were really excited to go again this year.
 The first order of business was stopping on the bridge and looking into the river to see if we can see any Salmon. And do weird things with our legs when mom's taking a picture.
 Hey look we found one!
AND a bald eagle in the tree across the street! I've never been this close to one before.

 The kids were so excited to go "make dirt". This is the booth my work does. They teach the kids about soil ala pudding cup. They think it's rather exciting.
 Next up was the paint a rubber fish and plop it on a free t shirt booth. Needs WAY more organization. I thought one lady was going to blow a gasket because people (mostly kids) kept cutting in front of her.
 Barn Owl from the wildlife center.
They even had a king snake!
Knights Ferry is home to an old covered bridge.
It's pretty long!

The festival is heavy on the education and very light on anything else.
 It would probably be great for homeschooling families.
 I saw a few boy scout troops there too.
My favorite thing about the festival is where it's at.
It's just so beautiful there!


How beautiful is this bush??
The kids liked just hanging out by the river
and of course throwing rocks in the river.
Look VULTURES! They area all sitting on the fence posts there
I know it's bad to carve in trees but I think it's kind of awesome how many there are on this lover's tree.
There's tons of picnic tables there.
 It would be a nice place to go for a day trip.
You can't beat the price,
 it's FREE!

1 comment:

  1. This looked like a super fun day! I wish we had a festival like that here.


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