Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oooo is that an Almond Joy?!?!

Well we did the pumpkin patch (probably for the last time)

The school parade (6 more to go!)

Melissa had a party at my mom's.

Carved some pumpkins.

Jess went to a party

Tonight we went Trick Or Treating.

Melissa went with her 3 friends. I remember going with my friends like that and it was so much fun. They seemed to have a good time!


I think this was Jessica's last year to go out. She was feeling uncomfortable going up to the houses (which hello, she's a Junior, I think I stopped in 8th grade lol). She only went up to one with Trevor when she was with us, then she saw some people she knew and went with them. She said she only went to a  few houses and then went to the neighbor's house and hung out and watched a movie.  Sad that it's her last!

We only had Trevor with us for a little bit (so sad my nephew wasn't here with us now that they have moved). My friend called me and they were walking around with her son and niece so we met up with them and walked for quite a bit.  Trevor has half a pillow case full of candy so I think you could say he got plenty of candy!!

Another holiday for 2010 done! Now it's a fast slide into Thanksgiving (I'm so not cooking this year!), Christmas and New Years. Time flies so fast when you get old!


  1. Time really does fly! I think it goes by even faster when you start having kids. I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away already.

    Loved all the costumes! (o:

  2. Had to laugh at your oldest going out. My oldest, who is a freshman went with us but felt a little funny too, although she was totally happy with all the candy. Stopping by from SITS.


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