Sunday, October 17, 2010

Being Happy With What I Have

Yesterday I went over to my baby brother's new house. I was going to go help him move but by the time I got there they were all exhuasted and done for the day. I did carry about 4 drawers upstairs though! Their new house is down the street and around the corner from my mom's house, and my other brother's. So I'm the only one not in the "neighborhood" in a nice big house. I'm trying not to be jealous but it's hard!

While I love my house it's small. REALLY small for a family with 3 kids. BUT I don't have a house payment, which is a huge motivator in not buying a big house. I'm not sure how I would even scrape out a house payment in the size of the ones they are making (and they got great deals on their houses)!

Other factors are that my husband hates the city they all live in. Neither of us work in that direction. Jessica is a Junior in High School, that would totally suck to have to move your senior year. All valid reasons to not want to move right?! I just need to be happy with my little house, it's not like I can't drive there and visit anytime I want right? It's not that far away.  But oh how nice it would be to have a 3 car garage, a bedroom for all the kids and THREE bathrooms. I wouldn't even have to share in the mornings!! Not to mention the pool in the backyard...


  1. oh no, don't go there! If you don't have a house payment then you should just stay where you are. Small houses make for cozy loving families. Plus, Jessica will be off to college or out of the house soon enough and it will be just the 4 of you :-)

    Plus, you can go visit and use everyone else's amenities!!


  2. I'm with Anonymous! I don't have a huge house either. I'm not the type of person who wants to be forking over $1900 for a home payment. I want that money for something else!
    I think it's better with a smaller house, it is much cozier. You have invested lots to do your landscaping. It looks beautiful. Love what you do have and try not to be envious of the huge bills they will have to pay to cover that beautiful house they have!

  3. I know your pain. I have 6 kids, my hubby, me and 2 dogs in a 4 bedroom/2 bath cape cod. I think we are overloading our plumbing sometimes. lol I do have a payment but compared to some, mine is cheap. So we make do. And hope to someday win the lottery and finally get that big house. I am a follower, please come check me out at

  4. I get moments of house-longing when I am in a beautiful home, but it comes and goes, and when I imagine the financial stress of a bigger house, I think that would be much more persistent!

  5. I have house-envy of others, even though I have a house that I love-love-love. The grass is always greener on the other side, right?

    Some days I am so thankful for every single thing I have, but some days I wonder how I can get more and why can't I have it now??!!


Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!