Sunday, October 24, 2010

40 days and 40 nights for a 40th Birthday? Where's the Ark?

So you all know (if you read here which I am assuming you do since you are reading this now) that I was throwing Scott a 40th Birthday Party Saturday.

I started checking the weather well over a week in advance and was getting rather concerned that it was saying it was going to RAIN on the party day. I went ahead with cleaning up the yard hoping that the weather report would be wrong and or change before the party.

Eventually I realized that probably wasn't going to happen and put out a 911 on Facebook for some EZ Up tent things. Someone actually had 2 that they let me borrow, which was awesome. We decided to leave the garage door up and put the tents in front of the garage so we'd have a bit of a run outside where people could sit and hang out and not get wet.  Which was good in theory but the garage leaks a bit (he still has to put the shingles on it) and  the water of course would run down between the tents. Fuckers. Oh well it all worked out!
So here's a few pictures from the party.
Nothing says party like sitting in the rain with an umbrella.
That's my mom, she always comes prepared.
(Hey we should have just sat in the boat!)

Scott BBQ'ing in the rain. nothing says class like a tarp on the roof.

Funny story. When I went to Costco to order a cake the other day I had Melissa with me. I was debating on which one to get and she really really thought we should get the over the hill cake. So we did. Trevor had a game on Saturday so I had Scott go pick up his cake before he came home. He came in the house with the cake telling me he was SO getting me back for that haha.
AND the girls got one pack of the trick candles for his cake, which he figured out even before trying to blow them out because they SPARKED which scared the crap out of me!

Some nice people gave him presents! When ever someone would ask me what he wanted for his birthday I'd of course tell them they didn't need to get him a present. If they kept insisting I'd tell them he likes Tequila! Look he got one bottle lol.

 My mom took a ton of pictures with her camera. I was going to download them real quick before she left but I think she snuck out. Or I was kind of drunk and didn't notice when she left. One of those. After everyone left we went down to the bar a bit. Had a few drinks, did some dancing and came home so he could get his birthday present :wink: wink: I woke up at 5:30 am and got up to go to the bathroom and realized I never took my contacts out! Woops.

Kind of a funny thing, at the party.
I found out that my step mom who doesn't even have a profile picture on her Facebook reads my updates daily.


My neighbor thinks my Facebook updates are hilarious. I'm glad someone thinks I'm funny :)


  1. Trust it to rain eh?
    Oh well, it looks like a good time was had anyway.

  2. How's the view from the top of the hill?

    You guys are awesome, partying in the rain! Nothing stops you from a good party!

  3. you are funny! I love your blog. Glad it all worked out for you. was it cold?? Someone is all bundled up. It was warmer than that here! LOL of course if it's 50 in October we think it's warm.


  4. Looks like a fun party - even with the rain. Todd's 4oth birthday had to be moved inside last year because of the rain too. Maybe it's a 40 thing. (o:


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