Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's hot and my brain is fried.

It was so hot today. Somewhere around 106. Trevor had football practice and got to run the whole time to try and help get his weight down (again). I'm forbidden to leave since I'm his security blanket while he's there. Thank God there is a lot of deep shade for the parents to sit in.

Since I'm too tired to think of something whitty I'll share the pictures of my friend George and his wife Wilma that live outside on my geranium.


  1. Julie those pictures totally gave me the heebie jeebies! I would so be using a whole can of Raid not snapping pictures LOL

  2. I'm with Carin! Those spiders are creepy!

  3. I live in a place close to water where there's a lot of spiders in the summer. I name them too. I have Big Gertrude living outside my kitchen window.

    And by the way, ladies who think spiders are gross...they are. AND they eat other bugs that are a nuisance, so it's good to have them around the garden. And if you actually watch them web, it's not only fascinating but also you realize all they wanna do is catch dinner and not a human...

  4. George and Wilma wouldn't last 5 seconds near me!


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