Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st day of 11th Grade for Jess, a good day of FOOTBALL for Trevor

Today was a MUCH better day. I didn't even want to kill anyone at work today! GO ME!! It started with Jessica's first day of her JUNIOR year. Good God I must be getting old, I tell ya!!

I made her pose in front of the tree like we do every year. She tried to complain but I told her we only have this year and next so just humor me! She's wearing  her link crew shirt, they help freshman on the first day of school and some other stuff I'm not sure of.

11th Grade


Last year (10th) with a blurry cell phone pic :(


That's all I have on the computer/blog, I'll have to find the rest some day. I think I have all but Kindy by the tree.

In other news, Trevor did GREAT at practice today! I think there was even some parents sitting on the far side of the field cheering him on lol. I have no idea who they were but they are AWESOME. I had my camera with me so I took a few pictures.

He saw me right away with the camre, he's in the middle looking at me

Big huge cheeser in this one

Practicing tackling (he's on the right)

Running to the back of the line

1 comment:

  1. Wow Julie we have another 2 weeks before school starts, I am freaking out cause I have one going into high school, one in Jr high and my baby is a first grader. HUGS!


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