Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dance Fever!

OH MY GOSH you guys I had the BEST night last night. I went and met up with my friend down at our little bar and had a couple of drinks. Then we went to our little corner country store that was having karaoke (that's such a weird word to spell out). Listened to a few people sing, a few people TRY to sing,  then we were going to leave but ended up hanging out inside for a little bit and sampling an awesome tri-tip sandwich. THEN we went back to our little bar and had lots more drinks and DANCED OUR ASSES OFF. Seriously can't remember dancing that much EVER. Scott came down at some point and he even danced with us. Too much fun!!

Except now I'm trying to figure out what hurts more.

My head?
Or my knees.

I think that's a sign that I'm not as young as I used to be!.


  1. Who cares if ya have a sore head and knees... you had some serious FUN! Way to go!

  2. OMG That sounds like so much fun! Next time take 800mg of ibuprophen before you go! lol.

  3. Good for you for letting loose. I can hardly move here, but it has nothing to do with too much dancing. We've been in this crazy a** heatwave for days, and it is killing me. I lift a finger and I break a sweat. It's nasty!



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