Saturday, June 26, 2010


My daughter is at a concert, (warped tour which THANK GOD this time I didn't have to go to, drive to, or supervise). She just sent me a text that this boy she's been talking to just asked her to be his girlfriend. I promptly looked him up on Facebook, showed Scott who said "oh hell no" and did a little cry inside. Great one more thing to worry about.

Then she sent me a picture.

Sigh.Pin It


MJ said...

Ugh. I feel for ya. Not looking forward to raising teenagers. A boy met at the Warped Tour cannot be a good little boy...Sending you positive thoughts, Let us know how it goes, them two.

Man, who even asks a girl to be their girlfriend anymore, anyways!! :P

Stacy said...

Ugh! You have my sympathy, prayers....pity. My Princess will turn 18 next month and the last two years or so should have come with one of those warning signs they put at amusement parks BEFORE you get on the ride. And a helmet. Yeah, a helmet would have been good. Drugs wouldn't have hurt, either.

Pseudo said...

My boy turned 18 last week and my girl turns 21 on Tuesday. Ah, the teen years.

Chris H said...

Hmmm... have fun with that! Having raised 6 kids through teenage years already.. let me assure you.. YOU WILL SURVIVE IT!

LYN said...


Retro Girl said...

Oh jeez! So what's he like? Gothy? Rocker Dude?

ohhh I dread when Isaac becomes a teenager. He's only 2, and with his shenannigans now, I dread the teen years already lol!

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