Monday, June 21, 2010

Better than phone pictures, finally.

So I finally did it! I got a new camera today! I think I'm going to strap it to myself so that my children can't get their grimey little hands on it and break it.

Like the last one.

I FINALLY have some better pictures for the blog.

Although now I'm going to have to scrub the grout.

Look at how big my dog is now.
He's barely even a puppy anymore.
Doesn't he look like he's saying

Be prepared for a lot of garden pictures
(my sunflower is  huge already!)

and kids squinting at me when I catch them looking in the sun.

I don't think I've even shared any of my vegetable garden pictures yet.
My first strawberry!

And my kids have grown about 3 feet since last time
I had a decent picture of them.
I can't believe he's going to be in 2nd grade already.

What kind of camera do you have?
What's your favorite subject to take pictures of?


  1. hee hee that picture of your dog looks like one of those where his mouth is gonna move and speak human words. Like, "I love Bacon. Gimme some bacon!!"

    :-) Stopping by from SITS!

  2. Love the photos... yes your pup AND kids are growing like weeds!
    The garden looks great, cute strawberry.

    I love taking photos of my SHOPPING purchases the best... then me kids, the dogs, scenery, bla bla bla!

  3. I have a Canon Powershot SD960IS. I take pics of the kids every freaking day!!!


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