Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Catch Up

A little Easter catch up!

Dying Eggs, notice no big sister :(
Why do kids have to grow up?

I was so tired the night before Easter I went to bed around 8:30! I woke up with a start at 6:45 and realized that I didn't ever put the baskets together and Scott was still sleeping so the bunny had NOT hid any eggs yet. Did I mention Trevor was sleeping in our bed? I poked Scott awake and whispered to him that the bunny had dropped the ball. We jumped up and Trevor woke up and went to the bathroom. We ran out and did super quick basket assembly and egg hiding and got back in just as Trevor was leaving the bathroom. I guess it's a good thing he takes so long in there!

Shortly after everyone was outside looking for eggs (big kid included!)

It was nice that we had so many more places to hide eggs this year with that big garden out front!

I don't know what Melissa was doing here but she looks pretty funny!

This was before he had found his basket. The bunny usually leaves them on the kitchen table but HELLO that wasn't possible so they were hid on the side of the house. I had told him he must not have been good enough to get a basket. Such a mean mom lol.

They found all the eggs pretty fast. I think next year I'm going to do some plastic ones to make it last longer. Usually we just do the real eggs.

We were having family over at 1:00 for a bbq. The weather was so icky. Cold, windy and rain was on the way so we ended up all having to squish into my little house instead of hanging outside like we usually do.

Look at my niece, wasn't she cute all dolled up!

Jess said they had to get a new mirror picture. It won't be long before Adrian is posing with her I'm sure!

Since Melissa's birthday was less than a week away we did her "family party". She made her cake herself!

I can't believe she is 11 already!

How was your Easter?


  1. We don't hide eggs or anything... just eat chocolate ones all weekend!
    Lovely photos.
    Your garden is looking great already!

  2. Way to pull off a quick Easter Bunny landing! You rock... I would have panicked and ruined the whole day! You guys rock! Happy late Easter!


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