Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well guess what? I got 3 emails right away about the piano! The first guy that emailed me actually showed up when he said he would too. He was a nice guy and was all excited to get it. I hope he enjoys it! So now I have a big empty wall. I'm going to push some furniture around as soon as I get some time to do so. I want to move my bookcases together and that involves taking off about 40 scrapbooks and putting them back on.

Yesterday Jessica had her softball pictures. It was windy as hell out there so those pictures should look great with their hair blowing all over. I started off outside with Rusty and the kids but it was too cold so we ended up hanging out in the car. Rusty's ears kept cracking me up when he was walking. They were doing a little bouncy thing. I guess they are going to start standing up soon!

Isn't he getting big already?!

After softball we rushed home to meet the guy for the piano and make dinner. We got done just in time to go to line dancing. Both girls went with me and Jessica picked up on it right away and Melissa sat on the floor and entertained a little girl lol. She said it was too hard but I think it was actually easier than the one from last week.

When we got done with that we went to the grocery store (yes it was after 8:00 but we were out of lunch stuff for the kids) Got that done and finally crashed out about 10:30. It was a LONG day but a pretty good one.

ETA: check out this blog I was reading this morning.


  1. Man- I want a piano so bad. My MIL has one she wants to get rid of but I feel like specifically asking for it would be par to making a deal with the devil.

  2. Yaaa to getting rid of the piano so easily.
    Your pup is too cute.
    Line dancing? OK... hope it was fun.


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