Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I suck

I feel like such a loser. I've totally fallen off my c25k training. The weather was horrible for the last 2 weeks and then when Melissa broke her arm I actually forgot to go! Now I'm trying to get back to it but I haven't actually made it out the door yet. I keep thinking that if I could get up and do it in the morning it would be better. So far I've got up at 5:30 once this week but I really need to get up at 5 if I'm going to do it.

Have I mentioned that I'm not a morning person?

I doubt I'll get to it today since we have nothing left to eat for lunches in the house and I need to hit the grocery store.

And tonight is Wednesday, which means, HELLO Bingo night. I might win $3 again!!

So yeah. I suck. Need to get back to it.


  1. dont' worry about the set back and just get out there again whenever you can. I know you can do it..I saw what you did to your front yard!!! You have ambition!!


  2. YOU DO NOT SUCK! You have better things to do is all! I would HATE to be getting up so early just to go for a run/walk! Stuff that!

  3. You can do this. I got sick and sort of fell off track a bit myself, so I'm in a similar boat. You can and WILL do it. Hang in there!

  4. and whats wrong with love women that suck....I am just saying, suck is not a four letter word....


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