Saturday, January 2, 2010

Surveying The Damage

I finally got some time to go out and work in the yard when it wasn't raining, freezing, or othewise craptastic weather. So many of my poor plants froze.

This was once a pretty hibiscus, I haven't pulled it out YET.
It's not mushy so I'm hoping that means it's not totally dead.

This geranium just had some sad looking leaves on it.
I cleaned it up and it looks ok now. I just love the verigated leaves on it!

There was a sage bush here, you can't really tell in the picture, I just cut it back since the bottom of it seemed like it wasn't all dead. I had 2 and they both look the same now.

There was a plumbago here, once again you can't really see it.
I pulled that one out.

After I got done surveying the damage I got to work and cleaned everything up. Cut back the alysum quite a bit and cut some other things back a bit. I spent the whole day out there and pretty much collapsed after I came in. My inner thighs are still screaming!

I think a trip to the flower shop is in order to bring back some color to the yard!

1 comment:

  1. It does not look that bad mate... you will have it looking beautiful again soon I'm sure.


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