Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Years!!

So did you all have a great night out with friends? Have a few cocktails? Stay home and play games with the kiddos? This year I THOUGHT we weren't going to do anything but my brother invited us over kind of last minute like. We had a quick dinner before we left to go over there, stopped at the store and spent $60 on booze and snacks and then headed over. We decided to spend the night before we even left to go over there so we were loaded down with blankets and pillows.

When we got over there the kids all played and us adults (my Mom & Dad,  2 Brothers, Niece aka Brother's Girl Friend and occassionally my SIL, oh and Jess) hung out outside on the patio. We just sat around and had drinks and talked. It's always fun hanging out with all of them!

My parents left around 11:30. SIL, my Brother and the baby brought in the new year like this

That is not staged, they really were sleeping like that! I guess the baby has an ear infection and is teething. I'm sure they are blaming me for the ear infection since I was sick and held her on Christmas. :( SIL wasn't too friendly. I'm hoping she was just tired.

Other than that the only picture I took was of Zoey, she was so cute the whole time we were there, I know she just loves the attention.

Trevor and Tony eventually crashed out on their little pull out foam couch things and the girls went to bed in one of the spare rooms. The rest of us finally limped off to bed around 3:30 am! I got the little bed and hubby slept on the floor. Surprisingly he didn't complain too much the next day. Probably because he was too hung over to tell what the pain was from!

I got up around 9 because I was so warm, I'm not used to that central heat and air stuff and our house temp is way cooler. Whenever I stay somewhere that has a heater running I wake up feeling  all stuffed up and claustrophobic. I went down stairs and everyone was still sleeping so I just quietly played on my phone until my niece came down. I mentioned coffee and the next thing I knew we were on our way to Starbucks. (my brother doesn't drink coffee, I don't know how he functions)

After we got back she disappeared upstairs again and slowly all the kids woke up. I ended up cleaning the kitchen because I was bored eventually we left because it was after one. I don't know what time my brother finally got up but I'm thinking  it was one hell of a hang over!


  1. I don't drink coffee either--every once in a while I forget I don't drink it and have some. Then I wake up at 3 a.m. with my head zinging.

    Happy 2010!

  2. What baby?
    We went down to the water front and watched the fireworks from our Skytower.. it was nice.
    Glad you spent it with family.

  3. I cannt functtion with out COFFEE! I had to work New Years day so my drinking was at 3 glasses of wine, one bottle of Virdi shampage(sp) and 2 shots of i dont remember. But Happy BeLated New Years


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