Thursday, October 29, 2009

Won't you be my neighbor...

I was outside working in my yard, which is kind of a mess because I didn't water enough in the last week and we had 2 days of non stop nasty wind. The neighbor boy was out and he had two other little boys out there with him, visiting I assume. My son went over there and next thing I heard was the neighbor boy yelling at my son to go home!!  Of course my boy was crushed, as any kid would. I wanted to go yell at him to stop being a nasty little boy with no manners. Instead I told Trevor that the next time he wants to come to OUR house he'll have to go home. Stupid little brat.

Anyhow, Trevor eventually went in the house and my attention was turned to the F BOMBS being yelled back and forth and sideways across the way. I swear our neighbor over there used to never make any noise and in the last couple years he's hanging out with some rowdy boys (like my age and the neighbor is my dad's age) and they party it up and rev up their motorcycles and whoop and holler. Which is fine. I guess. But when it's around 5:00 and kids are playing out in their yards should they have to hear people shouting the "N" word at eachother (not sure where that one came from) and F this and F that non stop? I really wanted to go over there and tell them to mellow it out a bit!!


  1. I guess I am just to confrontational, I have gone over to our neighbors and said "Hey I have kids here and they don't need to be listening to that sort of language"
    9 times out of 10 they apologize and stop. The other I did have to turn them in for selling drugs from the house to get them to stop, well maybe they stopped maybe it was just they were in jail. HUGS!


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