Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Book Club for October

I give it a rating of


This was a great book!! Everyone in book club thought it was great. It's a really quick read with short chapters and it's not too long. Although you will need a box of tissue next to you while you read it, so probably best for huddled up on the couch with a blanket and not in the waiting room of a Dr's office.

Here's a bit about it from's site (noted above)

After the success of Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (2001), it should surprise no one that Patterson is trying his hand at another romantic tale, and this one is every bit as enjoyable as its predecessor. Jennifer, a Chicago Tribune columnist who's still mourning the death of her beloved husband, Danny, is jolted out of her lonely life when she receives news that her grandmother, Sam, has taken a fall and is now in a coma. Racing up to Lake Geneva to be by her grandmother's bedside, Jennifer discovers a packet of letters at Sam's house, which are addressed to her. They are from Sam; in them, Sam tells Jennifer that her husband was not the great love of her life. Instead, Sam was swept off her feet by a man she calls "Doc," whom she still loves to this day. As Jennifer learns some shocking secrets about her grandmother, she finds herself falling under the spell of a handsome neighbor, Brendan. Jennifer is surprised to find she is able to love again after Danny, but just when you think Jennifer's life can't be touched by any more tragedy, she learns a sad secret about Brendan. Patterson is infamous for surprising his readers, though, and the ending to this novel is unexpected, touching, and satisfying. Another winner from Patterson, sure to draw the same audience as Suzanne's Diary. Kristine Huntley Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

I have a copy of this book JUST for you!! Just leave me a comment and I'll pick a winner on Friday.

Next up??

I JUST finished reading it but I'll save my review for next month after my book club meets, I'm sure we will have some interesting conversation about it!


  1. I enjoy reading books by James Patterson. Some of his books have weird endings but overall his books are very enjoyable!!!


  2. I need a good book to read ~ Thanks!

  3. ooh-that's on my 'to read' list!

    Laurie- FFSI

  4. I've been so curious about that book!! :)

  5. My most favorite book ever! My second favorite...A Tree Grows In Brooklyn :)




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