Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Tidbits

Jessica went on a "movie date" with her new boy-friend again tonight. :sigh: She even wore a dress! What's the world coming to??? When I picked her up I quizzed her a bit on the movie, since it was one I had already seen. She stated the previews well. OYE!

While she was at the movies the little kids and I braved Wal Mart and got a few things for school. Melissa is just barely into the Juniors department and so far is not liking anything that shows any kind of skin below her neck. Sounds good to me!

Trevor got a few Pokemon and Ben 10, etc shirts. We were lucky to find the boys sectin at all because the genius leaders of Wal Mart decided that the week before school starts is a great time to start a remodel and scatter the kids clothing department all over the store. Half the boys clothes were in the men's department, part in the main walking aisle and part in the area that usually has the women's plus sizes. Very confusing!

After we left our large deposit at Wal Mart for 3 bags of clothing and the required "new" bakugan toy, we went over to Costco. 45 minutes to closing, whew we made it with plenty of time to shop.

So if the store is going to close in like an hour, why do they decide that that is a good time to close off aisles and restock? Can't they just wait an hour longer and do it when the store is empty??? So no Diet Coke for me. Luckily I have a few more stashed at work. I might have to go back tomorrow.

We got done there and still had a bit of time so we went over to my in laws house. My father in law had surgery to do an "eye lift" but apparently they never got to that part and they did cataract surgery and removed a large skin tag/mole thing he had by his eye AND replaced the lens in his eye. Poor guy! I forgot all about it until today and he had it done last week. Woops. He seems to be doing ok though. He said he still feels like he has some rocks in his eye.

My mother in law bought the kids some school supplies which was totally sweet of her. Although I must have pissed her off at some point because she sent Trevor home with a keyboard he had left there and 4 fresh batteries. UGH. THANKS MOM! NOT!!!

I think DH is waiting up for me. I'm scared though. Remember what happened last time?? I guess we can turn the radio on but that totally messes with my concentration lol.


  1. Buy your daughter ear muffs! Can't have your CONCENTRATION spoiled eh? LOL

  2. Maybe some benadryl for the DD?

  3. LOL Julie you crack me up!! It's nice to come on and see a bunch of posts! Woohjooo!

  4. I still have to do my clothes shopping for the kids too. Luckily, Miah and Devyn just wear polo shirts with the school emblem on them so I just buy them from the school in different colors.

    Dom is a different one to shop for all together...


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