Monday, August 3, 2009


This morning I woke up to 3 text messages. I'm like hmm that's weird!! So I opened them and this is what they are:

11:44: You've officially scarred me for life

11:48: I could hear you and dad all the way in my room... That's NOT something I want to wake up to

11:58: Turn a radio on next time or something next time

hahahahahahha too funny.Pin It


Carin said...

ROFL!!!!!! That is hysterical! We found you could hear through the heater vent so we put a pillow over it.

Teenagers SIGH!

~Sheila~ said...

LOL. Don't the kids have MP3 players so that they can drown out the sounds?

I'm just saying.

Get yours.

Remind them it's how THEY got here.

Anonymous said...

hey at least you're getting some, right? weren't you just complaining about that not too long ago? LOL!


honkeie said...

Bwhahahahahahahaha! My oldest has mentioned the same thing and also made note that the room smelled funny after one of our early morning humpings. Hey they didnt get here by accident!

Susie said...

OMG that is funny! Well I wouldn't think so if I had received those messages! LOL

Chris H said...

Heee heee he! Priceless! Do 'it' again LOUDER!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

LMAO! O my goodness! hahahahaha... poor kid! hahahaha...

Sarah said...

OMGROFLMAO!!! I can see Jess in bed....tortured! HEY she should be glad you guys are NORMAL!!!

Grand Pooba said...

No way!!! That's hillarious!

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