Friday, July 3, 2009

Toothfairy Save and Tidbits

The toothfairy ALMOST didn't make it to our house again. It's a good thing the kids are sleeping in this morning! I think she's collected just about all the teeth I paid hundreds of dollars to get filled last summer. Those teeth are worth A LOT!

I'm feeling very yawny-yawnisher today.

Yesterday I hardly did anything but somehow I got my house looking cleaner. That was inbetween playing literati (on yahoo) and being on facebook all day. Now no one will come over until it is thrashed again. Like the other day when Trevor had a little friend over and his mom came to pick him up. Yeah. My house was BAD. So embarrassing.


Melissa has a birthday party to go to in town today so I'll go hit the grocery store while she's there.

Jessica is camping with her friend. On a boat. Somewhere on a lake. She's supposed to come back Sunday so it's been rather quiet here the last couple days. Best time to send your kids camping with someone else? When they have PMS!! ::insert evil laugh::

Trevor was playing with my camera the other day. This is my favorite picture. It just cracks me up!

I hope everyone survives the 4th of July. Instead of hanging with friends like we usually do my mom TOLD US that we will be spending it with the family. So we'll be bobbin around the pool and eating bbq and trying not to get annoyed with anyone. That reminds me must buy more booze...

Happy 4th of July everyone!


  1. OH yes, buy more booze is a necessity when you don't want to get annoyed with fam. It's like beer goggles but not....

    Have a great 4th!!!!

  2. Stopping by from sits, Happy 4th! I have to say, I'm a little jealous of you! My family is all in other states, and my husband has to work tomorrow so it's just me and my kiddos stuck at home. The grass is always greener!:)

  3. Haha! Nice timing with the camping trip!!!

  4. stopping by from SITS.
    funny post......i do so relate!!!!

  5. I think we're bbq-ing at my sisters for the fourth. Thank God for three day weekends!!
    Amen. :)

  6. That is a cute pic of the cat with rabbit ears.
    Nothing like someone else telling you how to spend your holiday, huh?


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