Monday, July 13, 2009

I Survived The First Day Back To Work

And so did the kids!

I had set my alarm for 7:00 this morning and somewhere in my sleep last night I decided I needed to get up earlier. I was up by 6:30, kind of like a kid on the first day of school.

I was out the door by 7:30 and I even had a bowl of cereal and 1/2 a cup of coffee for breakfast.

I drove to work and got there at 8. I was greeted outside the front door by a gal taht I worked with and she was all happy to see me so that was really nice. I went inside and talked to everyone. Everyone that is but my immediate boss who was out sick! Hopefully she really wants me there lol. The big boss thought everything was fine so we'll see if she is there tomorrow. I sat at her desk all day so hopefully I didn't get any of her sick germs.

Where I work there are several agencies all in one building. As per all office drama, there is always one or two that are "fighting" with the other. I think it's so funny that people get worked up over such petty things.

IE: Wednesday there is a BBQ Potluck. Apparently one group is mad at the other group and was considering boycotting the BBQ. I didn't hear the fine details as of why but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with who is supplying the meat or something stupid like that.

Glad we all have such easy lives that the little things like that seem so important.

Anyhow. It was a pretty good day and it went by really fast. I felt kind of guilty leaving after my 6 hours were up since there is a lot of work to do right now. I didn't feel guilty enough to stay though lol.


  1. Glad the first day went well for you, wonder how long it will be before you hate getting up to go to work! lol

  2. congrats on going back to work. I'm going to try to find something once the kids go back to school.
    BTW ~ My MIL loved the bookmark!

  3. Office drama! You'd have to twist my arm pretty hard to make me want to go back to that. Good for you for jumping into the shark tank!

  4. There's office drama in high schools too.

    Glad your first day back went well.

  5. Congrats on your first day back. HELL NAW!!! Don't feel guilty about leaving work'll wait for you.
    I'd be happy for the potluck that someone is boycotting. MORE FOOD FOR ME!!!

    Enjoy office drama.

    I prefer to be out in the field.

  6. Oh the good ol' days..NOT! Soounds like the day I left! Money is a good thing though!! :-)

  7. that's good that the transition back was so easy!! and now i have that catchy jingle stuck in my head too! what's new at denio's farmer's market....

  8. Hope the high tide of going back lasts for a long, long time. :)


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