Saturday, June 20, 2009

Party & Yardwork

Yesterday I went to my LITTLE brother's new house. He just got the keys a few days ago. He had a party for my BABY brother's birthday last night. I suck and only took this one picture!

The new house has a pool, which is super cool. Especially since he gave me my own KEY so we can go over and go swimming. I was told that all he asks is that if it's not work hours I call first. Guess he doesn't want me walking in on him and any "ladies" haha!

After a bit my Mom took all the kids over to her place, I think she was about as happy about it as Jessica was to go there (PISSED!) Sometimes Mommy would really like to just hang out with adult people (even if they aren't really acting TOO adult like) and just drink and be stupid with everyone else. It didn't last too terribly long though since Scott was giving me the, "you better stop drinking so you can drive home bit". I was thinking we'd just stay the night but he didn't really seem up for that. (We had 2 cars because he drove over after work). Anyhow, we got home about 12:30 am. TG we got to sleep in until about 9:30 this morning without anyone waking us up.

Got up and went out to work in the yard. We got SO MUCH done today. Scott framed out the walkway area, which also frames out the flower bed that will be along the patio like the other side. Used the rototiller a bit after we dug the grass out.

When we got done with that we went and got the gravel to put in the walkway area so we even got that done!

Then he worked on the front part and framed that all in, including making the little flower box area around the newspaper box.

The color is way off on this picture because of the sun's position, but I love how Trevor looks like he's doing the same thing as dad.

Here's the end of the day, all framed up and looking clean.

If you are bored go check out the Post Secret website. There are a bunch of Father's Day "secrets" up. I find them so intriguing!


  1. SO that is where you were hiding all day!! Your yard is soooo awesome!! I won't be able to ever find your house again!! Happy Fathers Day to Scott! Does he get to work some more???????

  2. Your yard is coming along great. It's going to be awesome when it's done...then, you will probably find something else to dig


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