Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Etsy Shop Update & What We Did Today!

I just made a little header for my Etsy shop. I think it turned out cute. It's hard to make something that is not very tall and wide!

So far I've sold 2 bookmarks. One to my friend Barb over at Tinksquilts and one to someone I don't know. Look how cute Barb's came out.

I have picked out a bunch more papers to make some more but I'm wondering if I should just wait and see if I sell more first. What do you think? More variety or too much is overwhelming?

In other news, we spent the day at my brother's house using his pool. He gave us a key, which is really cool! So now I'm burnt from trying to even out my farmer's tan! Trevor has almost learned how to swim now, which is awesome. The kids actually went all day without trying to kill eachother and so far Trevor hasn't spray painted anything or gotten into any other mischief. He's been REAL busy lately!


  1. That is a very cute bookmark!
    I would say wait and see if you get heaps or orders before making masses more.
    Swimming and playing in a pool will keep any kids amused and out of trouble! I want one! Booo hoo, our new home has no room for one.

  2. Hey there, I just read your comment on my last post. Unfortunately we aren't coming as far as San Fran, but the reason for our road trip is we are moving to the Monterey area, so I do see a few San Fran trips in my future over the next couple of years :)

  3. Well I think a little variety is nice, and it's not like they take up too much room if you do have some "stock" on hand, it might be a good idea.

    Lovely bookmark, just loverly!

  4. what a cute bookmark! how fun!! saw you on SITS and thought i'd say hi!

  5. Popped over from SITS to say hello. I haven;t looked at your ETSY site (going there next), but my advice would probably not be goo anyway, I always over do things. Even w/my photography business I give people WAY more photos than I say I'm going to. Why? B/C I can't make a choice so I overwhelm them too. Misery (@ least mine) LOVES company:). Good luck!

  6. What a cute bookmark! I wish I had some creative talent, but alas, no! Thanks for stopping by my place!

  7. Congrats on your etsy shop. I have a secret one too. I am just nervous to launch it. I feel like no one will really want to buy my stuff and then I will feel like a big loser. It is weird because I consider myself a confident woman but I have no crafting confidence when it comes to selling it. Weird huh?

  8. Congrats on your shop. I know you will sell more. Just keep advertising and I will help by posting a link to your shop on one of my posts!


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